About Us

Professional and Expert in Energy renewable items

Power Tex Associates has been in the business of power automation since 2004,  and the last four years providing Solar Systems for Residential, Commercial, and industrial agricultural irrigations, solar tube wells including solar panel cleaning Maintenance Services form our Lahore, Karachi,  Islamabad, Sargodha Jhang  and Quetta offices. 

We provide customized solar solutions and installation services for all types of solar systems. We have wide expertise in the reliable provision of domestic, agricultural, corporate and industrial solar solutions. We provide innovative products to help out get the most efficient solar harvest from our installation, and benefit from having a single supplier for all your components.

Electrical Automation & Switch Gears.

Power Tex Associates has vast experience in Designing, Manufacturing, Installation, Testing, and Commissioning of LT Electrical Distribution Systems, Mechanical Fabrications and Generators automation under the supervision of Professional Engineers since  2004. Power Tex Associates team strictly follows all internationals and national standards, Engineering Practices, and economy to provide its clients with the most reliable and safe solutions with Quality Products

Our Core Values

Flexible Schedule

Our commitment to a flexible schedule isn't just about managing hours; it's about empowering our team to excel, innovate, and stay ahead in the ever-changing landscape of renewable solar energy. This core value drives us to create an environment that fosters creativity, adaptability, and the pursuit of excellence.

Affordable Package

Affordable packages are not just a business strategy for us; they are a testament to our dedication to a greener, more sustainable world. We take pride in helping our customers save money while reducing their environmental impact, one affordable package at a time.

Special Offer

We understand that affordability and quality go hand in hand, and our Special Offers are a reflection of our dedication to not only meeting but exceeding your expectations. Embrace the future of sustainable energy with powertex and take advantage of our exclusive deals today.

Our Mission

We Value our customer and his investment by offering excellent aesthetics, quality, safety and high energy efficiency

Our Vision

With a dedication to compliance and after-sale services, our goal is to become the leading engineering service provider

Awards & Achievement

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